Open Energy Monitor - homegrown emonPi Construction (part 4)

 I think I might have had a  breakthrough in the simplified construction of the OEM energy monitoring equipment. I was looking for a helpful guide to migrating/porting AVRmega328p functions to ESP8266, and what did I find? A forum post asking for assistance in using their combined Arduino mega328 and ESP8266 board!! Wow. Comes with a nifty DIP switch array to select which chip talks to what, so you can programme the two chips separately, and also monitor the serial output of either. There is also a setting where they just talk too each other serially. This is amazing! I can easily run the standard OEM ADC software, carefully constructed to provide good data, and have it send the data, rather than to a RPi as it currently does, send it to the the ESP8266 which can forward using wifi to whatever destination I choose. This is brilliant! And it's costing me about £7 delivered from China. Result! Even if it doesn't do what I want, it's a very handy piece of kit. What's more, since it's on a single board, it will be easy to build into a box, even including the existing LCD display. Fantastic!


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