Sofar HYD6000-ES Inverter RS485 data logger part 2
Right, got the nonRS485 stuff all working. Tweaked the code considerably to add
- Added ESP8266mDNS to advertise on the local LAN using mDNS to make it easy to find
- A website that displays the most recent data on a simple page; I dropped the very complex ESP8266WebServer in favour of the WiFiServer class
- A reset page that resets the configuration and asks for new details.
- A "noRS485" flag, set on compile, but could be configured via a webpage if required so it's less twitchy about not having RS485 connected for testing
- Dummy data if noRS485 is set
This was all fairly hard work, largely because my C++/Arduino/ESP8266 knowledge is really pants.
I've also made another ESP8266 that subscribes to the MQTT messages and displays them on a web page - this was my alternative if I couldn't get the web server working with the original!
Now just waiting for the RS485 interface to arrive so I can get round to Dave's and start shorting out his inverter :-).
- Make noRS485 switchable using a web page
- Build another using basic ModBus to investigate dave's registers using the multiple register read request
- Uses Serial input to control what registers to ask for and so on, then prints contents out on Serial monitor
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