Hall Effect sensors for the rain gauge - practically nanotechnology!

I purchased some Hall Effect sensors (Honeywell SM353LT) and some neodymium magnets to have a look at motion detection for the rain gauge. I should have realised from the "SM" that these are Surface Mount devices. They are also incredibly small!!
2 SM353LT HE sensors in a travel pack!
You can just see the connectors in the pack - 4 on the lower side of the package. Fingertip shows the scale, tiny.

Now to see if I can connect these to anything. How? I have some one-sided copper PCB, some 0.1" pins, a soldering iron and various cutting implements. Go to it, Mr. G!

Board with holes for pins, and pins

Board, pins, device placed for working out location etc.

Board with traces cut - I've made it simple, centre pin to centre contact!

Truly horrible pic of device ineptly soldered on

Finished effort - doesn't look too bad!
So all I have to do now is power it up and tickle it with some magnets. Wish me luck!
Simple micro:bit code
And here's a video of the HE sensor doing some HE sensing. Marv. Might need some epoxy before I stick it outside in the rain...


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