Getting SonOTA to work on Sonoff Wireless Switches

A while back I obtained a couple of Sonoff Basic Wireless switches, which use the ESP8266 wireless SoC. Now I"m trying to use them! But of course I don't want to use the ITEAD CBB (Cloud Based Bollocks) and their doubtless wonderful iOS app... I want to use more open things that all work locally. So now I'm trying to install Sonoff-Tasmota firmware, which does more like what I want. My original plan was to do this the hard way, with an FTDI chip hammered onto the side of the box, and using USB-Serial to upload the new firmware. However, this page suggests that it's possible to do a rebuild using Over The Air (OTA) and thus avoiding the hammering bit. Let's have a go...

Firstly, the instructions require Python3... already installed! I haven't used this for ages, let's hope it all works - I note that when installing pip I should have opted for "clang". Who knows?

Run pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt . Argh, no "clang". Eventually try  pip3 install clang - that works. In the process, I discover pip3 list which conveniently shows I have no "clang".

Now I get xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun

Of course, I haven't re-installed Command Line Tools for Xcode since the High Sierra upgrade last Saturday! Silly me. Do that ... xcode-select --install - launches a GUI window that does the trick just fine. Except I'd already tried to install 5Gb of Xcode bollox, which I am partly way through and don't really want, so I kill the download process, and will later look for the 3Gb already downloaded...

Time for
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
Requirement already satisfied: httplib2>=0.10.3 in /Users/john/Library/Python/3.5/lib/python/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
Collecting netifaces>=0.10.6 (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))
  Using cached netifaces-0.10.6.tar.gz
Collecting tornado>=4.5.1 (from -r requirements.txt (line 3))
  Using cached tornado-4.5.3.tar.gz
Installing collected packages: netifaces, tornado
  Running install for netifaces ... done
  Running install for tornado ... done

Successfully installed netifaces-0.10.6 tornado-4.5.3

Hurray! Now for the first attempt to make it work... It involves

  1. Running, which prompts to put the Sonoff into setup mode (push button for 7+ secs)
  2. gets current IP address, prompts for my SSID and password 
  3. Connecting laptop to Sonoff AP (ITEAD-xxxx, password 12345678)
  4. tells Sonoff which SSID/Password to connect to, and initiates OTA...
  5. While starting a web server that will provide the download connection point for the new software OTA
This works fine until...

Macintosh-Gouk:SonOTA-master john$ ./
Current IPs: ['']
Select IP address of the WiFi interface:
Select IP address [0]: ^CQuitting.
Macintosh-Gouk:SonOTA-master john$ 
Macintosh-Gouk:SonOTA-master john$ ./
Current IPs: ['']
Select IP address of the WiFi interface:
Select IP address [0]: 0
WiFi Password: nor265cot

Using the following configuration:
Server IP Address:
WiFi SSID: xxxxxx
WiFi Password: *********
Platform: darwin
** Now connect via WiFi to your Sonoff device.
** Please change into the ITEAD WiFi network (ITEAD-100001XXXX). The default password is 12345678.
To reset the Sonoff to defaults, press the button for 7 seconds and the light will start flashing rapidly.
** This application should be kept running and will wait until connected to the Sonoff...
.....Current IPs: ['']
~~ Connection attempt
<< {
    "deviceid": "1000154a0a",
    "accept": "post",
    "apikey": "c0565187-232f-4749-8115-532bdc6ccfe1"
>> {
    "version": 4,
    "serverName": "",
    "ssid": "xxxxxx",
    "port": 8443,
    "password": "*********"
<< {
    "error": 0
~~ Provisioning completed
Starting stage2...
** The IP address of <serve_host> ( is not assigned to any interface on this machine.
** Please change WiFi network to xxxxxx and make sure is being assigned to your WiFi interface.
** This application should be kept running and will wait until connected to the WiFi...
......Current IPs: []
.....Current IPs: ['']
~~ Starting web server (HTTP port: 8080, HTTPS port 8443)
~~ Waiting for device to connect

*** IMPORTANT! ***
** AFTER the first download is COMPLETE, with in a minute or so you should connect to the new SSID "FinalStage" to finish the process.
** ONLY disconnect when the new "FinalStage" SSID is visible as an available WiFi network.
This server should automatically be allocated the IP address:
If you have successfully connected to "FinalStage" and this is not the IP Address you were allocated, please ensure no other device has connected, and reboot your Sonoff.
...error on read: [SSL: DECRYPTION_FAILED_OR_BAD_RECORD_MAC] decryption failed or bad record mac (_ssl.c:1974)
.........error on read: [SSL: DECRYPTION_FAILED_OR_BAD_RECORD_MAC] decryption failed or bad record mac (_ssl.c:1974)
..........error on read: [SSL: DECRYPTION_FAILED_OR_BAD_RECORD_MAC] decryption failed or bad record mac (_ssl.c:1974)

Now the Sonoff does use SSL for this, and the OTA kit includes some dummy certificates, but clearly there is something not good going on. A check on the Github Issues for SonOTA reveals that firmware version 1.6+ probably won't work - I have no idea what firmware version I have, and I'm not going to connect to the CBB to check either. Bugger. Back to the FTDI chip...


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