Towards a better doorbell...

Something we struggle with as a household is the front door bell. We have a wireless pushbutton at the door, with three (3) separate mains or battery-powered devices listening and responding to make sure there's one in earshot. However, the button's range is limited within the house by walls and other things, so it's hard to make sure a) the responders are in range b) they are close enough for us to hear! How about a doorbell that sends a text to the phone? Perfectly possible, surely. Stick an ESP8266 in the closest responder (mains-powered) that looks for the signal to ring the bell on one of its GPIO pins; this has to be possible surely! Have ESP8266 publish an MQTT "front door bell rung" message Have a Node RED node listen for this and trigger whatever we fancy on its receipt e.g. A text message to one or more phones (handy if we're out, actually) An indicator to a camera A Klaxon at the back of the house BAR-BAR-BAR ALERT!! Cool. 1 looks ...